Corporate social responsibility
Our 2015 sustainability achievements include:
- The continued advancement of our climate change goals. In 2012, we set a long-term goal to reduce our energy use and our carbon footprint by 10 percent by the end of 2016. To date, we’ve already reduced carbon emissions by more than 24 percent and energy consumption by 22 percent.
- Recognition as both a CDP Climate Performance Leader and Disclosure Leader for the second straight year. We were one of only 27 S&P 500 companies named to both lists.
- More employee involvement. Several employees formed a grassroots Green Team whose members have coordinated a variety of environmental events, including two office supply giveaways—keeping an estimated 5,000 pounds of materials out of the landfill.
- Prioritizing sustainability during our multi-year campus renovation. For example, to date we’ve recycled more than 90 percent of the materials removed—metals, carpet, drywall, furniture, etc., which exceeds the LEED guidelines target of 70 percent for construction waste.
Read our full CSR report at