About Us Request a grant

Request a grant

Request a grant

We are sensitive to the impacts the coronavirus may have on some of our community partners. If your organization has any challenges in completing your evaluation and application, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will do our best to accommodate your needs as you focus on fulfilling your missions and keeping your employees safe.

Principal Foundation is focused on helping people learn more, earn more, and save more.
Our community Grant Program primarily invests in work that promotes financial security, with an emphasis on serving youth ages 15 – 30. All grant programs are invite-only.
By partnering with community organizations and social enterprises where our employees live and work, we can come together to help individuals live their best lives.
Our funding priorities are rooted in our business’ values. We believe a stronger future begins when we collaborate towards a common goal.

Focus areas & application deadlines

Submissions for the 2021 grant cycle, and evaluations for the 2020 grant cycle are due May 14, 2021.

Financial Security Grants

Financial security grants make up the majority our overall investments. We fund organizations and programs focused on:

  • Professional skill-building and job training
  • Access to savings, credit-building, and financial coaching
  • Increase in savings due to resource-building

Talent-focused education grants

Talent-focused education investments include K-12 educational organizations that provide Principal® business-related STEM programming. We also partner with select colleges, universities, and other higher education programs to continue driving business talent development. 

Strong Communities Grants

We support partner organizations that provide arts, cultural, and/or recreational activities at a free or near-free cost to children and families, especially for individuals who otherwise would not have access to that type of programming.

Other support

If your programming doesn’t align to our grantmaking priorities, tapping into our in-kind giving program or volunteer engagement might be a better fit.


Principal® community relations sponsors community based organizations' events and special programs. Sponsorship requests must be submitted at least 90 days prior to the date by which a decision is needed.

Click here to submit a sponsorship request. Email communityrelations@principal.com with question, including about eligibility status.

In-kind donations

Surplus office supplies, equipment and computers are sometimes available to nonprofit organizations that meet our criteria for the community grants program. If you’re located near one of our major employment centers and have specific in-kind donation needs, please tell us about your need. 


For more information about Principal Foundation and Community Relations programs, send us an email.

Domestic and global grants

In-kind contributions, sponsorships, and volunteerism