Request a logo

Please expect at least a 24-hour turnaround time to verify your logo license status.  If you do not already have a logo license, it may take a few extra days to get the proper permissions in place.

If you are ordering a logo for a third party and are unsure of the size and format they need, please contact them to coordinate so we can provide the correct logo.

* Required fields

Logo information
Which logo do you need? *
Please state what logo you need.
I'm linking from
Provide the URL of the Principal webpage you'd like to link to.
List all locations (example: website, signage, marketing materials, advertising, social media, etc.)
For example: Principal sponsored events, sale of Principal products, inclusion in a client list, charitable giving recognition, etc.
Date of event, if a one time event.
Tell us about you
Since this form is used to generate a legally binding contract, we need the contact information for someone who is authorized to enter agreements on behalf of your company. If that's you, great! Provide your contact information. If you can't sign contracts for your company, provide the contact information for an office or someone with legal authority to sign agreements.