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Washington paid family and medical leave

Most Washington workers are eligible for paid family and medical leave under Washington's Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) law, which began January 1, 2020. PFML is available to covered individuals who work in Washington.

Key features

Coverage options

State plan, self-insured


  • 0.92% of employee wages up to the Social Security cap, employees will pay 71.52% of the premium.
  • Employers with under 50 employees only remit employee portion.

Waiting period

7 days (0 days for birth or adoption of a child)


Employee’s average weekly wage is less than 50% of state’s average weekly wage:

  • 90% of average weekly wage

Employee’s average weekly wage is greater than 50% of state’s average weekly wage:

  • 90% of average weekly wage up to 50% of state average weekly wage, plus
  • 50% of average weekly wage over 50% of state average weekly wage

Minimum benefit


Maximum benefit


Benefit duration

  • 12 weeks for family or medical leave
  • 16 weeks for family and medical leave combined

Principal® doesn’t offer a private plan solution for employers wanting to opt out of the state plan.

Get more information from the State of Washington.