Business Succession

Business Succession

Help business owners prepare for the unknown future of their business.

Do your clients and prospects have a strategy in place to transfer their business to the right people, at the right time, and for the right amount? Having a well-funded buy-sell agreement in place can help protect the future of their business.

Principal® offers buy-sell strategies and a variety of funding methods based on your clients’ unique needs and characteristics.

Target market

  • Business owners ages 45-65
  • C corporations, S corporations, LLCs, partnerships, and sole proprietors
  • Closely held businesses
  • Owners who realize the importance of retaining their key employees during transition
  • Owners who realize they may not be able to rely 100% on the sale of the business for retirement
Buy-sell strategies

When structured correctly, and funded with life and disability insurance, a buy-sell agreement provides a solid start to an exit plan, and those who depend on the future success of the business.

A properly funded buy-sell agreement offers the following benefits:

  • Provides departing owners a market and price for an asset that might otherwise be hard to sell
  • Enables remaining owners to prevent an unqualified individual from acquiring an interest in the business
  • Minimizes business disruptions resulting from disagreements among owners at various triggering events
  • Provides assurances to employees, customers, suppliers, and creditors that the business can remain competitive through owner transitions

Get started by reviewing insurance-related best practices (PDF). Then learn about the three most common buy-sell options (PDF) you can share with clients—cross purchase, entity purchase, and wait and see.

Which tax-exempt solution is right for your client?
Match prospects and their challenges with our solutions using the tax-exempt decision grid (PDF).


Cross purchase buy-sell

Client overview flyer (PDF) | Sample proposal (PDF) | Request for proposal (PDF)

Sample agreements:

Entity purchase buy-sell

Client overview flyer (PDF) | Sample proposal (PDF) | Request for proposal (PDF)

Sample agreements:

Related: U.S. Supreme Court decision hinders entity buy-sell arrangements (PDF)

Entity purchase buy-sell with short-year election

Client overview flyer (PDF)

Multi-owner buy-sell

Client overview flyer (PDF) | Sample proposal (PDF) | Request for proposal (DOC) | Sample financial model (DOC)

Select Buy-Out PlanSM

Client overview flyer (PDF) | Request for proposal (PDF)

Business continuation LLC

Client overview flyer (PDF) | Understanding BCGP (PDF) | Sample agreement (PDF)

One owner (100% ownership) transition planning options:

Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). Buy-sell strategy where a business establishes an employee-owned company and offers a flexible, tax-favorable way to exit the business, provide retirement benefits, and retain and motivate employees. ESOP website


Funding buy-sell strategies

Buy-sell agreements involve the selling and buying of the departing owner’s business interests according to the terms of the formal agreement. This means money will be needed to complete the transaction when it occurs. So, it’s best to have a plan for securing that money—that’s where funding strategies come in.

There are basically five options for funding a buy-sell strategy: cash, loan, savings, installment sale, and/or insurance.


Installment sale. This funding strategy involves the seller receiving one or more payments from the sale of the business. This can be effective to convert business interests to retirement income while spreading the gain from a sale over a period of time.

Insurance solutions. We offer a variety of life insurance products as well as a disability buy-out product that can be used to fund a buy-sell agreement based on your client’s unique needs.

Life insurance product options | Disability Buy-Out insurance

Gifting. Funding strategy used to transfer business interests—potentially at a discount—from current owners generally to family members.

Request for proposal (PDF) | Legacy & Estate Planning website

Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs). Funding strategy used for clients who want to transfer business interests with minimal gift and estate tax liability.

Client overview flyer (PDF) | Sample proposal (PDF) | Request for proposal (DOC)

Working with Principal®

We’re more than just products. It’s about the service you’ll receive from Principal and the experience, education, and ease of doing business.

To get started, contact your internal sales team: 800-654-4278.