Helping you achieve clients’ participation goals at enrollment time

Helping you achieve clients’ participation goals at enrollment time.

new education program will help your clients' employees better understand the value of voluntary benefits... and pave the way to help increase their annual participation.

A man and a woman conversing in an office setting.

Principal® is launching new, online education for your clients and their employees that will initially focus on two of our voluntary benefits: voluntary term life (VTL) insurance and critical illness (CI) insurance. This education will be available on and expanded later this year to include our full suite of voluntary products—a valuable resource for you and your clients.

Helping employees make informed benefit decisions.

Ahead of your clients’ annual enrollment period, their eligible employees will receive an email from Principal informing them of the opportunity to visit to learn more about VTL and CI—and encouraging them to talk to you and their employer—to learn more about these voluntary benefits. By doing so, employees can feel more empowered to make informed decisions at enrollment time about the coverage that’s right for them. 

This new, online education is a beneficial opportunity for you and your clients. Plus, staying connected to your clients and their employees can help lead to other sales in the future. 


Additional Resources

Bearded Indian business man watching online webinar on laptop computer.

VTL email sent to eligible employees

Small group of people meeting to discuss Secure 2.0 Act.

CI email sent to eligible employees


Man and woman smiling outside

Claimant testimonial for CI