To better understand your retirement savings and your options for when you want to retire, it’s helpful to know the financial impact of early retirement withdrawals before age 59½.

There’s no single solution that applies to everyone for when to retire or make a first withdrawal from retirement savings like a 401(k) or an individual retirement account (IRA). But if you’re considering what might work best for you, there is an age you may want to know: 59½.
That’s the IRS baseline for the earliest a person can withdraw from a qualified retirement plan without penalties. However, as with any rule, there are exceptions—and some nuance—that can help you evaluate making an early withdrawal from retirement savings before age 59½.
What’s next?
To better understand how withdrawals before or after age 59½ affect you, contact your financial professional or tax advisor. To see the rules regarding withdrawals for your plan, log in to your Principal account. If you have additional questions on your retirement plan through Principal, contact us at +1-800-547-7754, Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m. CT.