Retirement, Investments, & Insurance for Individuals Invest & Retire Annuities More on how a RILA works

More on how a RILA works

More on how a Registered Index Linked Annuity (RILA) works

RILAs offer defined outcome investment options that allow clients to personalize their investment strategies.

Segment options
Segments of one, two, and six years.

Level of protection
Buffers, floors, peak buffer, or a fixed account.

Investment growth strategies
Multiple indices available.

Choosing an investment segment

Clients can choose one or more investment options called segments. Each segment is linked to a specific index for a defined length of time. Some protection against investment loss is available with either a buffer or a floor. A fixed segment option is also available.

Clients can mix segment options to help diversify their investment and to help manage their comfort with financial risk.

Mix segment options graph

For illustrative purposes only.

Investing in longer segments give clients higher participation rates, and the opportunity for higher account gains. Shorter segments provide them with more investment flexibility by allowing them to move assets around more frequently.

Segment performance lock-in

The segment lock-in feature comes automatically at no extra charge. It allows clients to lock in the performance of their segment, removing them from market movement until the next segment anniversary. A different performance lock-in can be chosen for each segment clients invest in.

The performance threshold can be set in advance, activating the lock-in feature if predetermined performance levels are met. Or performance can be locked in at any time. And this can all be done online at

Understanding levels of investment protection

Each segment option offers a protection strategy to help protect clients from some investment loss.

Understanding levels of investment protection chart

For illustrative purposes only.

Dual direction crediting - here's how the peak buffer works
Peak buffer market

For illustrative purposes only.

Additional protection options are available

You can invest in a fixed segment, as well as an indexed-linked segment with a 0% floor. Both of these provide you with an opportunity to allocate assets without risk of losing any account value due to market performance.

Amounts allocated to a fixed segment option earn interest at the applicable annual interest rate for the segment term. The annual interest rate declared at the beginning of the segment term is guaranteed until the segment end date.

If you allocate your accumulated value to the fixed segment option, the value of that segment at any time will be equal to the accumulated value allocated on the fixed segment start date, plus interest during the segment term and minus any amount deducted during the segment term.

Available indices and growth strategies

Growth within a RILA depends on the performance of a segment’s linked index. Point-to-point index crediting is used to calculate change from the segment start date to its end date.

Three well-known indices are available as well as a sustainability index not currently available in other investment products. The MSCI EAFE index segments are not available with Principal® Strategic Income.

Choose from four different indices:

S&P 500®    Russell 2000®    MSCI EAFE    SG Smart Climate

Caps and participation rates and how they affect client returns

Caps and participation rates visual

For illustrative purposes only.

An extra performance boost in positive markets

You may purchase an optional rate enhancement rider that provides higher participation rates and caps, which will result in greater gains in positive performing markets. The rate enhancement rider is not available with Principal® Strategic Income.

Optional rate enhancement rider graph

These figures are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only. They do not guarantee any future returns nor represent the performance of any particular investment.

The flexibility of a RILA from Principal® means you can personalize an investment strategy that meets your needs. But with all the different levers available, it might be hard to visualize how it all works.

Here are some examples to show how the different accumulation strategies and protection levels could affect an initial investment of $100,000.

All examples are hypothetical and purely educational.

A quick guide to the segment options

This chart provides a handy reference to keep track of the different segment options. The MSCI EAFE index segments are not available with Principal® Strategic Income.

Quick guide to segment options

Rates are subject to change at any time. For current segment information, please visit and

If the accumulated value is allocated when a segment reaches its end date, funds may be transferred to another segment. If a new segment is not elected, the segment will renew into the existing segment if it's available. If that segment is no longer available, we will select a new segment, based on the terms outlined in the contract.

If the accumulated value is allocated to the fixed segment option, the value of that segment at any time will be equal to the accumulated value allocated on the fixed segment start date, plus interest during the segment term and minus any amount deducted during the segment term.