Driving opportunity for investors around the world.

Investment leadership

Each investor has a purpose, a goal. Our mission is to help them achieve it – through investment solutions built around our global expertise in asset allocation, active management, and alternative strategies.

Our multi-boutique investment approach brings even the most sophisticated asset classes within reach of every investor. We offer a broad range of specialist investment capabilities, spanning equities, fixed income, real estate, and other alternative investments. And we are an industry leader in delivering customized multi-asset and multi-manager solutions to serve specific client needs.

New and experienced investors alike can benefit from our breadth of asset allocation solutions – including target date and target risk funds. Rather than simply creating products, we build portfolios that meet specific objectives, such as saving for retirement, generating income, or addressing inflation. Think of the process as a conversation. What are your risks? What are your goals for the future? What are your options for getting there?

Institutional investors see the advantage of our strong presence in money centers around the world. We are close to the markets and close to our clients. They come to us in search of specific objectives. And through our nimble, specialized boutiques, we can move quickly to build outcome-based solutions that fit precisely within their overall portfolios.

In 2017, we introduced more than 50 new funds in Southeast Asia, China, and Latin America, as well as more than a dozen new investment options in the U.S. Globally, our strong investment performance earned a host of “best fund” awards from Bloomberg, Morningstar, Thomson Reuters Lipper, and others.

Consistent with client needs, we take a long-term view. And as active managers, we pay close attention to disruptive trends, such as 5G technology, rich data, driverless cars, and more. Not so much to predict the future. But to understand their potential impact on industries and markets – and how they may separate winners from losers over time.