Employee benefits and retirement plan solutions Protect my employees Group insurance Paid family and medical leave & state disability insurance Hawaii temporary disability insurance
Hawaii temporary disability insurance

State disability insurance (SDI) is short-term disability coverage that is legislated by this state. If you have employees working in Hawaii, the state may require that employers provide SDI coverage for employees.

Key features

Coverage options

Available through authorized insurance carrier or self-insured


By employer or shared equally by employer and employees

Elimination period

7 days


58% of average weekly wage

Maximum benefit

$837/week in 2025

Benefit duration

26 weeks

Principal® has a solution

Principal can administer Hawaii TDI for employers offering group short-term disability, long-term disability, or term life coverage from Principal.

Reach out
Want to learn more?

Talk to your financial professional to design a benefit offering that meets the specific needs of your business and employees.