Converging education and financial wellness

Achieving financial security

87% of plan sponsors agree that financial wellness programs help employees better prepare for retirement.* See how we encourage steps toward financial security by embedding education and financial wellness into our participant education resources.

Over 50% of participants are wanting to learn more about estate planning, will preparation, and investments.*

*Principal Retirement Security Survey, June 2022.

87% of plan sponsors agree that financial wellness programs help employees better prepare for retirement.*

Easy, outcome-focused, personalized experiences

Engage with onboarding communications
Personalized messages encourage personalized action


Elevate with ongoing communications
Personalized messages encourage personalized action




Annual retirement planning Annual (personalized timing) Active DC participants with an account balance
Deferral review Annual (personalized timing) Active DC participants with an account balance
Target My Retirement® Journey Multiple email touches the first year and annual reminders Participants on existing Principal plans that add Target My Retirement®. Excludes participants already enrolled in managed accounts
Beneficiary review Annual (personalized timing) Active DC participants with an account balance
Retirement Transition Program Annual (January) Participants age 55+
Benefit Event Experience Automatically Participants who have an employment change or retire
Expand with ongoing communications
Personalized messages encourage personalized action




Participant newsletter Monthly DC participants <55, 55+
Spanish participant newsletter Quarterly DC Participants with Spanish as their preferred language
Monthly participant webinars Monthly Targeted based on topic with reminders sent to those who don't take action and replays sent to those who sign up

See the experience


Get started with Principal® Real Start.

Principal Real Start site for your retirement

As they get started at Principal, individuals will encounter Principal® Real Start. Here, they will get set up with their online access and get started in their plan.

Defined contribution participants can also set up their contribution rates, select their investments, roll in eligible outside assets, elect beneficiaries, and more.

#2 ranked traditional enrollment experience with a perfect score for the beneficiary part of the process1

  • Average deferral with Principal® Real Start is 2x higher compared to those who used other enrollment methods.2
  • Nearly 40% of users are saving 10% or more, and 1 in 3 participants choose to auto-escalate up to 10%.2


Spanish Principal® Real Start3

  • Average deferral rate is over 7%.
  • More than 30% are saving at 10% or more.
  • Another 1 in 3 are auto-escalating their way up to 10%.

1 Dalbar Online Enrollment Study, January 2022.
2 Principal reporting as of June 2021.
3 Principal reporting on the Spanish Principal® Real Start experience Q2 2022. Results are based on a small audience and should not be used for comparison purposes to the overall audience results.

Participant website

Log in and secure account on the participant website.

Participant website account balance page

When a participant logs into their account, they’ll see a consolidated view of their different accounts all in one spot. From there, they can dig into their specific accounts.

From a defined contribution perspective, our participant website is the main hub for participants to learn about and make changes to their retirement accounts. On their landing page, they'll be able to quickly see their account balance, Retirement Wellness Score, and more.

For defined benefit accounts, participants can review their current benefit, and also estimate their future benefits.

Nonqualified accounts allow you to see your account balance over time along with tracking recent distributions and contributions.

  • Award-winning participant website and online capabilities1 and mobile communications2.
  • Silver for participant website educational resources.3

1 © Escalent. Cogent Syndicated, Retirement Planscape®, May 2021.
2, Mobile Communications Seal, 2022.
3 Corporate Insight, Retirement Plan Monitor - | Report, Dec. 2021.

Understand plan information

Understand plan information.

The Hola Futuro page helps Hispanic employees feel more financially secure

Participants can learn about their plans through various touchpoints. For DC, DB, and NQ participants, the timely financial wellness newsletters provide topical educational information along with education about their plans. ESOP resources will be coming soon.

Principal Hola Futuro

Helping Hispanic employees feel more financially secure.

Replace this!

Support Hispanic workers with distinct tools and transcreated resources—not just translated—that reach and educate participants in a matter that’s culturally relevant.

  • Transcreated webinars
  • Budgeting resources
  • Account security information
  • Fliers and handouts

See the Hola Futuro experience.

Retirement Wellness Score

See if you're on track for retirement.

The Principal Retirement Wellness Planner being adjusted to show how a contribution increase can benefit your retirement.

This robust planner gives participants a holistic picture of their retirement readiness, helping them find out how much income they may need in retirement and whether they’re currently saving enough to meet that need.

1 Principal reporting from Jan. 1 through June 30, 2022. Compares participants who used the resources with those who did not.

The Retirement Wellness Planner information and Retirement Wellness Score are limited only to the inputs and other financial assumptions and is not intended to be a financial plan or investment advice from any company of the Principal Financial Group® or plan sponsor. This calculator only provides education which may be helpful in making personal financial decisions. Responsibility for those decisions is assumed by the participant, not the plan sponsor and not by any member of Principal®. Individual results will vary. Participants should regularly review their savings progress and post-retirement needs.

Principal app

Download the Principal® app.

The Principal phone app

The Principal® app is streamlined for convenience and speed. It puts participants in control—getting them the answers they want quickly and letting them make changes efficiently. It’s all about helping them plan for the future while helping them get back to living their lives as quickly as possible.

Available in English and Spanish

  • 4.8 star rating - Apple - 75% of our user base on iOS1
  • 4.6 star rating - Google Play1
  • 3.71% average deferral increase for 401(k) participants2

 Check out the app

Principal Milestones

Elevating the financial wellness experience.

The ARAG page can be used for learning about important financial topics.

Our financial wellness experiences work alongside and together with our education experiences. We understand that as a participant arrives at certain points in their life, their needs may change. Some may need retirement education resources, while others are looking to elevate their experience with financial wellness.

That’s why we have easy, personalized education and financial wellness experiences that drive engagement and promote outcomes along the way.

  • Participants can learn about the financial topics that matter most to them.
  • 44% higher average deferral among 401(k) participants who use Principal® Milestones.1

See the Principal® Milestones experience

1 Principal reporting from Jan. 1 through June 30, 2022. Compares 401(k) participants who used the resources with those who did not.

Prepare for retirement

Get ready for retirement.

The ARAG main screen can be used for learning about important financial topics.

We understand that as they get closer to retirement, participants have a number of questions for what their next steps will bring. Our Retirement Transition Program and Benefit Event Experiences help participants through these life transitions.


Elevating financial wellness

Our monthly webinar series—30 minutes with live Q&A, plus on-demand replays—helps individuals elevate their financial wellness with helpful tips and strategies on important financial topics.

2025 topics

Getting started (ages 35)
Finding balance (ages 35-54)
Nearing retirement (ages 55+)


Retirement readiness: Planning tips for every stage of your career


Social Security planning for couples


Maximize your 401(k): Essential tips for saving


Fresh start finances: Your roadmap to balancing debt and saving


Staying the course: Navigating market ups and downs


How to navigate retirement while paying for college


Expand your retirment savings: Making the most of your investment acccounts


Credit savvy: Strategies for better credit and debt management


Money moves: Smart steps for a bright future


Essential tips to prepare for health care costs in retirement


Navigating Social Security: What do you need to know for 2026


Plan ahead: The essentials of estate planning for everyone

Quarterly Spanish webinars

Q1 Financial checkup: Building smart money habits

Q2 Staying the course: Navigating market ups and downs

Q3 5 ways you can save for retirement today

Q4 Health care in retirement

Know more


Continue learning about the Principal® participant education experience.